By Michael Lanza
I take a bit of a different approach to testing and reviewing outdoor gear at The Big Outside. I don’t try to blanket my readers with reviews of every new piece of gear hitting the market—I can’t do it, but frankly, a lot of it is average and not worth recommending. Instead, I find the best backpacks and daypacks, backcountry tents, shoes and boots, bags, outdoor apparel, and other gear that I actually want to use and would recommend to friends. Then I take it on my backcountry trips and see if it works in real situations. After two decades of testing and reviewing gear, including many years as a field editor and lead gear reviewer for Backpacker magazine, I think I have a pretty good eye for what outdoor gear and apparel performs well and delivers value and what’s not worth your money.
That’s what you’ll find at my Gear Reviews page—only reviews of products I would recommend to my closest friends.
If you’re looking for gear for hiking, backpacking, climbing, skiing, or another outdoor activity, that page organizes all of my reviews by category, so that you can quickly find what you’re looking for among the hundreds of reviews at The Big Outside.
Besides listing the various categories of outdoor gear and apparel reviews you can find at The Big Outside, such as backpack reviews and backpacking tent reviews, that page has links to several of my most helpful stories about gear, including my expert tips on buying gear, my favorite new gear of the year, and my popular ultralight backpacking tips.
Tell me what you think of that page by commenting in this story or at my About page.
My blog can help you find the right gear for your style of adventure. Good luck and have fun out there.
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