tip the big outside
Has my blog helped you? Please help me keep working on it.
Has The Big Outside helped you plan a great trip, decide on gear you needed, find your next adventure, or in some other way? If so, would you like to leave a tip of appreciation to support my work?
I created The Big Outside for people like you—because like me, you love getting out hiking, backpacking, or on other adventures. This blog is my passion and I work full-time on it to share my expertise with you, and many stories, like my gear reviews, are free to read.
You can support my work with a one-time tip in any amount you feel I deserve for the help my blog gave you.
If you want full access to ALL stories at The Big Outside, visit my Join page to see how you can support my blog while gaining the benefits of a subscription.
You can also email me at michael@thebigoutside.com. I always enjoy hearing from readers and I try to respond to every email I receive.
Thanks for reading and supporting my blog. I deeply appreciate it.