Trail Running Shorts
CW-X Pro Shorts
$72, 6 oz. (men’s small)
Sizes: men’s S-XL
After numerous hilly trail runs in my local Boise Foothills—ranging from six miles to a 25.5-mile, 4,600-foot, seven-hour July morning trail run-hike—I’m completely sold on the physiological benefits of these compression running shorts. Even on that 25-miler (running about three-quarters of the distance, walking the rest), a distance that would typically leave my quads feeling very worked and bloated with lactic acid, I felt strong right to the finish. My recovery from that run was faster, too, with much less stiffness and residual fatigue than I’m accustomed to after that long an outing. CW-X claims its patented CW-X Support Web “provides a suspension system for the hamstrings, reducing workload in the pull phase of the running motion. Combined with targeted variable compression to increase circulation and reduce fatigue, your muscles don’t have to work as hard over time and your legs will feel fresher.” I’ve long been a believer in compression socks, especially for longer trail runs, and I’m now a fan of these shorts for trail runs and long, strenuous hikes. Plus, with what I’m saving on ibuprofen, these shorts may pay for themselves within a few seasons.
—Michael Lanza