The Complete Guide to Hiking the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim

Probably the most scenic—and coveted—long dayhike or trail run in America, crossing the Grand Canyon from rim to rim takes you on a top-to-bottom-to-top tour of one of Earth’s most awe-inspiring and unfathomable landscapes. Besides being stunningly gorgeous just about every step of the way, an r2r is also a huge outing that involves—by its shortest route—21 trail miles and over 10,500 feet of cumulative elevation gain and loss.

This e-book offers expert tips specific to the unique challenges of successfully and safely hiking or trail running rim to rim in a day, including preparing for it, the very specific ideal seasonal windows, tips on strategy and direction to hike, travel logistics, gear, and all possible hiking itineraries combining the North Kaibab, South Kaibab, and Bright Angel corridor trails. It also offers insider tips on doubling it—hiking rim to rim to rim, across and back in a day (I’ve hiked and run both rim to rim and rim to rim to rim in a day)—as well as relatively shorter options like dayhiking from the South Rim to the Colorado River and back.

Read my blog stories “Fit to be Tired: Hiking the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim in a Day,” and “April Fools: Dayhiking the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim to Rim” (which  require a paid subscription to read in full), for many photos from the hike described in detail in this e-book.

Purchase this e-book NOW to begin planning your unforgettable rim-to-rim dayhike or trail run across the Grand Canyon!

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